Advisory Board
NL Agency Ford of Europe CIECA ACEA LeasePlan QAED STR
NL Agency Ford of Europe CIECA ACEA LeasePlan QAED STR
AUSTRIA Austrian Energy Agency Since its establishment in 1977 as a non-profit organisation, the Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) has been the energy research and policy institution in which Austrian federal and provincial administration (“Bund” and “Länder” respectively) and some forty important institutions and corporations from a variety of economic sectors co-operate. The Agency not only […]
Work Package Leader: AEA This WP concentrates on the building-up ecodriving infrastructure via a network of professional and certified trainers for learner drivers and licensed drivers. At the heart of this infrastructure are driving schools and driving instructors. Instructors will be trained and certified acc. to best practice short training concepts (“snack training”), […]
The ECOWILL work programme includes an initial preparatory phase, the development of standardised quality control and certification of ecodriving trainers, the education of trainers (train-the-trainer seminars), the establishment of a training infrastructure, the preparation of training sessions, introduction of ecodriving to the driving test, monitoring and evaluation as well as PR activities.
The ECOWILL project has five main objectives: To deploy both the existing infrastructures of driving schools and advanced driver training for the massive rollout of short duration ecodriving snack training courses and online (e-learning) education for licensed drivers. To standardise the contents of snack training courses and to certify trainers for providing snack training courses To train licensed drivers of passenger cars and vans in ecodriving and to […]
Choose your country/language to complete the questionnaire: English: Questionnaire German: Fragebogen German (Austria): Fragebogen Spanish: Cuestionario (Catalan): Qüestionari Italian: Questionario Polish: Ankieta Greek: ΕΡΩΤΗΜΑΤΟΛΟΓΙΟ Hungarian: Kérdőív Finnish: Kysymyksiä Croatian: Anketa Czech: Dotazník Lithuanian: Apklausa Netherlands: Vragenlijst
List of ECOWILL-certified Ecodriving trainers for short duration trainings Austria .pdf (127.2 KB) Croatia .pdf (172.9 KB) Cyprus .pdf (186.8 KB) Finland .pdf (129.9 KB) Germany .pdf (121.7 KB) Greece .pdf (118.1 KB) Hungary .pdf (285.3 KB) Ireland .pdf (195.2 KB) Italy .pdf (127.3 KB) Lithuania .pdf (199 KB) Netherlands .pdf (118.6 KB) Poland .pdf (190.5 KB) Spain .pdf (124.7 KB) United Kingdom .pdf (167 KB)
A European-wide campaign – aimed to improve driving behaviour, energy-efficiency and traffic safety among drivers of passenger cars, delivery vans, lorries and buses – was organised within the Ecodriven project. Conducted between 2006 and 2008, the project was supported by the European Commission’s “Intelligent Energy Europe”Programme. For more information about the ECODRIVEN Project click here
Welcome to the ECOdriving – Widespread Implementation for Learner Drivers and Licensed Drivers. The ECOWILL project, launched in May 2010, aims at reducing carbon emission by up to 8 Mt until 2015 by boosting the application of eco-driving across Europe. To reach such an ambitious target the project will roll out short duration eco-driving training programs for licensed drivers in […]
Austria AEA United Kingdom EST Finland MOTIVA Netherlands VVCR Greece CRES Poland KAPE Czech Republic SEVEn Hungary Geonardo Lithuania COWI Croatia EIHP Iltaly TRAIN Spain RACC Germany DVR Europe EFA Europe FIA